Focus Question 1: How can teachers use communications technologies as teaching and learning tools?
- Communications technologies provide ways for teachers to connect with their students, promote meaningful learning, and extend academics beyond classroom time limit
- Teachers have five reasons to use electronic communications:
2. Information sharing
3. Community building
4. Publishing student work
5. Energizing student writing
- Teacher or classroom websites developed by teachers to communicate information, homework, projects, lesson plans etc.
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Tech tool: Fact Monster
I love a good website that really gets a student excited to learn. Fact Monster is a great website that a teacher can use to really open up a lesson plan and lay it out flat for students especially for the ones who need the extra help outside of the classroom. Fact Monster has a homework center where students can click on any subject, and a skills section where they can acquire better listening skills, studying skills, writing, and researching skills. I would definitely use Fact Monster as a guideline to start a website for my own classroom.
Summary & Connection:
It feels good to have choices and outside classroom help as a student because sometimes I just cannot grasp everything at one in class. Also,Teachers may not always be able to present their lesson thoroughly so having a website fro the class extends the impact of a textbook. Teachers can post class notes, inquiry questions, homework assignments, writing ideas, or Web links for further research Developing your own electronic communication system offers an efficient way to continue teaching your students when class or school is not in session.
Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010). Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.
Learning and teaching has certainly extended beyond the classroom walls - we need to capitalize on that as well as keep it in perspective. Using the web with either a blog, wiki, or website (or all three) just keeps the communication flowing! :)